Empresa de carbón activado Huamei

Sulfur-Loaded Activated Carbon For Mercury Removal

Product Description

Natural gas, coking gas, coke oven gas, and coal gas all contain trace amounts of harmful element mercury. Mercury is highly volatile, highly toxic, and highly corrosive, and can also cause damage to catalysts (platinum, palladium, nickel, and chromium) in the process. Poisoned. The HME-IMS60 model developed by Huamei Activated Carbon is based on high-quality carrier activated carbon and uses an automated sulfur loading process to make sulfur-loaded mercury removal activated carbon, which is widely used in the petrochemical industry for mercury removal.


Suitable for mercury removal from natural gas, coal gas, petrochemical products, hydrogen, nitrogen and other gases and liquids.

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Sulfur-Loaded Activated Carbon For Mercury Removal Specifications


  • Highly efficient mercury adsorption capacity: Sulfur-loaded mercury removal activated carbon can effectively adsorb and fix mercury by impregnating its surface with sulfur-containing compounds (such as sulfur).
  • Excellent mechanical strength: Sulfur-loaded mercury removal activated carbon usually has high mechanical strength, which can maintain its shape during the adsorption process, prevent pulverization or breakage, and ensure long-term stable operation of the system.
  • Good chemical stability: This activated carbon exhibits good chemical stability under various operating conditions and is able to operate effectively in a wide pH range and temperature conditions.
  • Low sulfur leakage risk: Since sulfur is firmly fixed on the surface of activated carbon, the risk of sulfur leakage during the operation of sulfur-loaded demercury activated carbon is low, reducing the possibility of secondary pollution.


4 mm
Sulfur content
Mercury removal rate
Densidad aparente
0.48 ±3%g/cm3

Embalaje y envío

Huamei Company puede proporcionarle embalajes personalizados de acuerdo con sus requisitos.
  • 20 kg/saco
  • 25 kg/saco
  • 500 kg/saco gigante
  • Bolsa personalizada según sus necesidades
Obtenga un presupuesto instantáneo
Embalaje: HM Bolsa de 25 kg Carbón activado
Embalaje-Saco de 25 kg Carbón activado

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